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Check Social Security

Check Social Security numbers whenever you receive an application for rental. Did you know that instantly you can find out if a social security number is valid? The most common fraudulent practice of people applying to rent a dwelling is to use a friend's Social Security Number.

If you don't Check Social Security numbers when running a basic credit and background check, then you may be verifying the person's friend's information. Even worse, it could be a stolen SSN!

It's a much more common scenario than many people think. A criminal will steal a social security number from someone, and use that to rent a property, knowing that they won't bother to pay the rent. What do they care? It won't ruin their credit, it will only affect the person whose social security number was stolen. They'll get month after month of free rent, while you spend time and money going through the eviction process to get them out. Then once they're out, they just go through the process all over again for a different naive landlord who trusted them. These people make a career out of seeming like good people, and too many landlords want to "save a little money" and not do their due diligence -- until it's too late.

It is a good practice to perform Social Security Verification of numbers whenever a credit and background report is run for your peace of mind. It's a small insurance policy to pay to know exactly whom you are renting to.

Check Social Security information RIGHT AWAY!