How Much Time Should A Landlord give a Tenant For Repairs?


We are new landlords and want to know how much notice we have to give a tenant before we can enter the apartment for repairs.


It depends on which state the property is in, which you didn’t mention, and what the lease agreement might say about the issue. In general, reasons for landlord entry include: (1) to deal with an emergency, (2) to inspect the premises, (3) to make repairs, alterations and improvements, or (4) to show property to prospective tenants, buyers, or various owner agents. For non-emergency situations, the notice period is 24 hours in many states, or such longer period as specified in the lease. The period may be different for specific circumstances such as an initial move-out inspection. While the lease agreement cannot allow a period shorter than state law requires, if the lease agreement provides for a long period than does state law, the lease agreement prevails.

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